"O nce the face tightens up, the rest of the body will follow." This statement was made by a television narrator during the Olympics. He was describing Michael Phelps' relaxed swimming style as he raced toward his 10th career gold medal. The statement got my attention. First our stress shows in our faces and then it creeps throughout our bodies.
The statement reminded me of the many stress management workshops I have given over the years. I have studied stress, experienced too much of it, and wished the world was distress free.
What I know is that stress is truly a killer when it gets out of hand. Yes, we see stress on people's faces. Just walk any mall and you will see how stressed we are. If it is on the face, we know it is everywhere in the body. It is an ancient response we call flight or fight. But you know what? Most of our stress begins right between the ears. Maybe that is why it shows up on the face first.
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