Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cod Liver Oil Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

You are doing yourself a health disservice if you are not investigating natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis.

For more info on rheumatoid arthritis see this resource.
clipped from foodconsumer.org
Cod liver oil helps rheumatoid arthritis
MONDAY March 31, 2008 (Foodconsumer.org) -- A study found a daily intake of cod liver oil, which is high in vitamin D, A and omega -3 fatty acids and known to have strong anti-inflammation prosperities, can help patients with rheumatoid arthritis cut painkiller use, BBC reported.

The study by researchers from Dundee University found taking 10 grams of cod liver oil per day helped patients reduce use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by 30% without any side effect.

NSAIDs are known to have some side effects such as stomach bleeding and if taken in large doses for a long term can increase risk of heart attacks and strokes. Alternative treatments are desirable.

The researchers found 39 percent of patients taking cod liver oil reduced their daily use of NSAIDs compared to 10 percent taking a placebo. The reduction did not aggravate the pain or the disease, the study shows.
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