Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Pill Can Boost or Kill Your Sex Drive.

You haven’t consciously expected the signs of aging, but they’re finally here.

Viagra has been prescribed to 200,000 men in the first four weeks it has been on sale in the US

Doctors in the United States are warning that the new pill used to treat sexual impotence in men could break up marriages rather than giving them a boost.

In their fourth week on the American market, the little blue pills called Viagra have led to the sale of more than 200,000 new prescriptions.

Doctors report that patients grabbing the chance to boost their wilting libidos have rejoiced in second honeymoons.

Spectre of the Viagra widows

But some warn older women may not be able to keep up with the sexual demands of their newly-reinvigorated husbands.

Miami doctor Carlos Nazir said: "I guess we will be using a new term in the future, you know - the Viagra widows.

"This is going to happen to the woman - her husband is on Viagra and she's not keeping up with him with the sexual interest or the sexual frequency."

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