Sunday, September 7, 2008

Prostate Cancer - Facts and Figures!

In keeping with National Prostate Cancer month in the USA I thought is prudent to feature this revealing article by a man whose knowledge and opinion I deeply respect.
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Men, how long has it been since you have had a physical or any type of preventive medical examination? Despite all of the advances in medical science, the simple fact remains that women outlive men on average by seven years.

Preventive health behavior is critical in the detection and treatment of health problems affecting men. This article will discuss the prostate, a walnut-sized gland located around the urethra at the base of the bladder.

Around age 30, the prostate begins a slow change, causing it to enlarge. Men are generally unaware of this gradual change, unless the enlargement causes the prostate to press on the urethra or bladder, causing a change in urination.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate and is most common in men between the ages of 20 and 50. It generally causes pelvic pain, lower-back pain, discomfort during urination and possibly blood in the urine. Again, if you have any of these symptoms, see your healthcare provider for an assessment.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Boomers Retirement Not As Affordable As Once Thought!

The question is if you have to work to support yourself after retirement, is it going to be on your terms or will it be just another job?
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PersonalFinance: Retirement strategy for Gen X

WASHINGTON(Reuters) - Putting hard-earned money
into a 401(k) account may seem ridiculous to a young person
who's barely scraping in enough cash to pay for groceries and
the cell phone bill. Maybe that's why a new generation of
workers are skimping on their retirement plans.

Fewer than half of Generation Y workers, ages 21 to 32, are
making contributions or even aiming to do so, according to a
new study from Fidelity Investments. They are, instead, worried
about paying off student loans and simply making ends meet. As
a result, they contribute less than they should to their
retirement plans and are making poor decisions about how to
invest the money.

Sometimes ignoring the 401(k) makes sense: Companies that
offer weak plans or don't match employee contributions
shouldn't expect to see big participation rates from their
workers. But even 22 year olds should have some retirement
savings strategy.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Stressed Breathe, smile and be positive!

Stress is any factor that threatens the body’s health, such as injury, worry, disease or toxic chemicals.
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"O nce the face tightens up, the rest of the body will follow." This statement was made by a television narrator during the Olympics. He was describing Michael Phelps' relaxed swimming style as he raced toward his 10th career gold medal. The statement got my attention. First our stress shows in our faces and then it creeps throughout our bodies.

The statement reminded me of the many stress management workshops I have given over the years. I have studied stress, experienced too much of it, and wished the world was distress free.

What I know is that stress is truly a killer when it gets out of hand. Yes, we see stress on people's faces. Just walk any mall and you will see how stressed we are. If it is on the face, we know it is everywhere in the body. It is an ancient response we call flight or fight. But you know what? Most of our stress begins right between the ears. Maybe that is why it shows up on the face first.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Healing Herbs...

All of the dieting and workouts in the world will not be enough to bring your body to its most ideal state if your internal chemistry is out of balance. Herbal supplements such as Stemulite can complement your regular fitness plan by helping your body ready itself for the efficient, effective, burning of excess fat.

Millions of men and women struggle with excess fat around the abdomen, especially those with an 'apple' shape who tend to gain weight around the stomach very easily. A steady workout routine and healthy diet can help reduce body fat overall, but this cannot target the key trouble areas - the love handles, abdominals and lower stomach - that can reduce the appearance of a streamlined silhouette. Dietary supplements such as Stemulite can make the weight loss process easier, and excess weight around the waistline has the potential to finally be burned off with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

What's in Stemulite?

By bringing your metabolism, hormones, and blood sugar levels to a more ideal equilibrium, Stemulite encourages the development of lean, toned muscle, and this, in turn, may assist you in long-term weight loss. Here are some of the components in Stemulite that help to facilitate this process.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Heart Attack Linked to Bad Cholesterol?

High cholesterol can be defined as an excessive amount of saturated fat (fats from animals, dairy and also manufactured by the human body) present in your blood.

Studies have shown that indeed, high levels of cholesterol lead to a heart disease. On a safe level, cholesterol is important for organs such as liver to function properly. It is a fat-like substance which also helps to maintain the cellular structures on the body and is highly capable of transmitting the nerve impulses. It is vital to remember there cholesterol is only useful when there is an exact level of it and too much, causes problems.

Lipoproteins - a medical term for tiny clumps of fat and protein- travels around the body. There are two kinds of Lipoproteins, HDL (the good cholesterol) and LDL (the bad cholesterol). The LDL is the one that carries cholesterol where it is needed, and the HDL is the one that carries leftover cholesterol back to the liver.

Thus shows that cholesterol and heart disease are linked together. To prevent all of this, people are advised to lower their cholesterol level. This is easily done by taking up a healthy diet and maintains a healthy weight.

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Friday, July 18, 2008

What Is Stress Management And Why Is It Necessary?

Stress relief should form an important part of your daily lifestyle.

Stress can trigger symptoms, increase their severity or frequency, and lengthen the time you suffer with them.

Stress can also compromise recovery.
Stress Management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and events make excessive demands.  Stress management is a collection of skills, tools, and techniques that help you reduce, manage, and even counteract the negative side-effects of stress.   The art of stress management is to keep you at a level of stimulation that is healthy and enjoyable and to bring your mind and body back into balance.  
Stress is a word for emotional strain — the anxiety, sadness, anger and frustration that come with everyday life. If you are under a lot of stress for a prolonged period of time, but do not feel stressed, eventually it may catch up with you and cause more serious symptoms, such as; stomach ulcers, heart problems, allergies, skin disorders, migraine. Stress can also cause more serious illnesses such as; arthritis, cancer, diabetes, depression. 
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Don't Bunk Your Prostate Exam.

Prostate cancer is preventable, one exam you should not bunk!
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NEW YORK JUL 08, 2008 (Reuters Health) - Significant changes in muscle, fat and bone mass occur in the months after maximal androgen blockade for prostate cancer, according to a report in the July issue of BJU International.
"We weren't surprised at the changes per se," Dr. Nigel A. Spry from the University of Western Australia, Crawley, told Reuters Health. "However, the relative sparing of muscle in the leg supported one of our hypotheses, that exercise, even in the testosterone-depleted male, could reduce the negative consequences of androgen suppression."
Dr. Spry and colleagues examined alterations in whole-body and regional bone, lean, and fat mass in 72 men receiving intermittent androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer.
Whole-body lean mass and bone mass decreased significantly after treatment, the researchers report, whereas fat mass increased.
Resistance training, they suggest, might be a good way to preserve body composition
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Pill Can Boost or Kill Your Sex Drive.

You haven’t consciously expected the signs of aging, but they’re finally here.

Viagra has been prescribed to 200,000 men in the first four weeks it has been on sale in the US

Doctors in the United States are warning that the new pill used to treat sexual impotence in men could break up marriages rather than giving them a boost.

In their fourth week on the American market, the little blue pills called Viagra have led to the sale of more than 200,000 new prescriptions.

Doctors report that patients grabbing the chance to boost their wilting libidos have rejoiced in second honeymoons.

Spectre of the Viagra widows

But some warn older women may not be able to keep up with the sexual demands of their newly-reinvigorated husbands.

Miami doctor Carlos Nazir said: "I guess we will be using a new term in the future, you know - the Viagra widows.

"This is going to happen to the woman - her husband is on Viagra and she's not keeping up with him with the sexual interest or the sexual frequency."

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Alzheimer's Is Difficult To Diagnose>

For 13 risk factors associated with Alzheimer's follow the bellow link

Alzheimer's is a heart breaking disease and you need to educate yourself.

Disease Alzheimer’s can be particularly difficult to diagnose. In fact, an Alzheimer’s diagnoses cannot be confirmed until after death, when the brain can be autopsied and shown to possess damage on a cellular level. The first difficulty in achieving diagnoses can be the patient themselves. Patients often attribute the symptoms of Alzheimer’s to simply “getting old,” or in most cases, they may be unaware of the changes in their behavior. When a patient does approach their doctor about memory problems, the doctor must sift through all the evidence to determine if Alzheimer’s disease is present, or if it is one of the numerous conditions that produce similar symptoms. Despite the fact that doctors must rule in Alzheimer’s after they have ruled everything else out, diagnoses of the disease are consider to be close to 90% accurate. Anyway, you have to know what is Alzheimer’s.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Important Nutrition Tip!

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You always hear experts recommending that you drink more water but how many of you actually do it? And how much is enough? Well, check out this chart below for some interesting data on water loss.

Water Loss/ Normal Weather No exercise/ Warm Weather No exercise /Exercise in Warm Weather (85° F)

Skin 350 mL/ 350 mL/ 350 mL
Respiratory Tract 250 mL/ 350 mL/ 650 mL
Urine 1400 mL/ 1200 mL/ 500 mL
Feces 100 mL/ 100 mL/ 100 mL
Sweat 100 mL/ 1400 mL/ 5000 mL
Total 2,300 mL (2.3L)/ 3,300 mL (3.3L)/ 6,600 mL (6.6L)

It should be clear that quite a bit of water is lost per day, especially if you’re an athlete. Since most people can get about 1.5L of water from their food and from metabolic water production, for a margin of safety, I suggest:

  • Sedentary individuals drink at least 2L or about 8 cups of water per day
    Athletes in normal climates drink at least 3L or about 12 cups of water per day.
  • Athletes in hot weather climates drink at least 4L or about 16 cups of water per day.
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    More Compelling Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin D!

    Supplementing with has many extremely important health benefits e.g. qualities, a combination of vitamin C and vitamin D is a very effective barrier against viral infections

    More Compelling Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin D!

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    Smoking In Middle Age May Boost Risk Of Dementia.

    The study also said that - Smokers tended to be less educated and financially worse off than non-smokers.
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    June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Middle-aged smokers are more likely to
    have poorer memories and reasoning abilities than those who've
    never smoked habitually, according to a study published in the
    Archives of Internal Medicine.

    Researchers in France and England also found smokers drank
    more alcohol, ate less fruit and vegetables and had higher
    cholesterol levels than non-smokers. The results are from a 17-
    year-long study of more than 5,300 people.

    The findings add weight to evidence of a link between
    smoking and dementia, and may even underestimate the extent to
    which the two are related because smokers were more likely to not
    participate in follow-up tests or to have died over the course of
    the study, the authors wrote.

    The researchers found smokers were 54 percent more likely
    than non-smokers to be in the lowest 20 percent of subjects on a
    memory test, and equally likely to flunk a test of verbal and
    mathematical reasoning.
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    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    The Many Benefits Of Tha Atkins Diet

    If you want to cut the garbage and do your health a favor look no further than the Atkins diet
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    In an American society where fast food, processed meat, bleached enriched flour and high fructose corn syrup rule the roost, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of Americans are headed for Type II diabetes. Type II is the diabetes that people acquire from long-term poor eating habits. This nutritional trend is also contributing to the epidemic of obesity in our nation. Luckily, the Atkins diet offers a solution that addresses both issues. It offers a way to delay, even prevent the acquired disease as well as weight loss.

    The Atkins diet was designed to assist individuals wanting to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels or control blood sugar fluctuations. The Atkins diet emphasizes a high protein, low carb diet. Carbohydrates have the most impact on blood-sugar levels. Depending on how efficiently they are metabolized, a carbohydrate is ranked with either high or low-glycemic index. The higher the rank, the more insulin the pancreas has to produce to convert the sugar to energy.

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    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    Arthritis Is A Very Painful Debilitating Disease.

    Arthritis Is A Very Painful Debilitating Disease. Learn how to prevent and manage it naturally, for you quality of life.
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    Arthritis is a common cause of pain in the joints, especially among the elderly. Persistent, aggrivating, and excruciating, arthritis is capable of reducing the quality of your life by hindering your everyday movements.

    Once you are diagnosed with arthritis, you should take steps towards arthritis prevention immediately to ensure that no further joint damage occurs. What basic habits can you change to prevent arthritis? It’s not as difficult as you might think.

    Arthritis prevention requires changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. By simply adjusting your diet and amount of exercise, you can make a major leap toward preventing arthritis.

    The prevention of arthritis might not be of concern you now. However, you never know if, ten years from now, you might be faced with the severe challenges and disappointments that accompany the disease. Don’t wait for that time to come; take the first steps towards arthritis prevention now!

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    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    High Blood Pressure - Know Thine Enemy!

    Knowing that you have high blood pressure is half the battle won. Now get informed and easily control it with these 3 Natural Cures, see:
    High blood pressure patients advised to use home monitors
    DALLAS, May 22 — People with hypertension should routinely monitor their blood pressure at home to help manage the disease, according to a new joint scientific statement from the American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension and the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses’ Association.

    He said there is strong evidence that the traditional way of measuring blood pressure in adults can be misleading. Studies indicate that between 10 percent and 20 percent of people diagnosed with high blood pressure in the doctor’s office actually have the ‘white coat effect,’ meaning that their pressures are normal under other conditions, but rise in the medical setting.

    According to the statement, home monitoring is particularly useful in the elderly, in whom both blood pressure variability and the white coat effect are increased, as well as in patients with diabetes, patients with kidney disease and in pregnant women.
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    Friday, May 16, 2008

    You Are 80% More Likely To Get Alzheimer's If You Are Obese.

    What is frightening is that people choose to ignore these facts for the easy way out, instant gratification, if you are one you are an idiot.

    Do some thin today, here are 10 warning signs to look out for -
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    DEADLY DEMENTIA: A recent study indicates a clear connection between obesity and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It’s also the leading cause of death among the elderly in the United States. With no known cure, Alzheimer’s currently afflicts about 5 million people. Now it appears that weight management may play a significant role in keeping Alzheimer’s at bay.

    Don’t Let Your BMI Go to Waist

    People with a high body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference were more likely to develop dementia than those with a healthy BMI or waist size.

    Treat Obesity, Prevent Dementia

    “While more studies are needed to determine optimal weight and biological mechanisms associated with obesity and dementia, these findings could potentially decrease the number of people diagnosed with dementia and lead to an overall better quality of life.” (, 5/13/08)
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    Monday, May 12, 2008

    100% Natutal Organic Weight Loss Product>

    Proactol is revolutionizing the natural weight loss market. Get more information on my blog:
    You owe it yo yourself to embark on a weight loss program if you are over weight. But be warned FAD diet are BAD for you.

    Get informed on natural alternatives on my blog:
    Proactol™ - #1 Customer Preferred Choice for weightloss

    Rated #1 by our website visitors, you can also feel happier, slimmer and more energetic just like they do. By taking this product, you will instantly take out up to 28% of your fat from within your diets. With more time to focus on other aspects of life, than solely dieting, all you have to lose is your weight!

    "Proactol™ has really helped me lose weight. My sister was always the slim, good looking one. Now, people say I'm the slim, sexy one. Having taken Proactol™, I feel much happier, healthier and definitely more active. I feel much more confident at family occasions and even my mom says I act and look much younger now!."

    Laura, Finance Manager, Global Consultancy Company based in USA
    This product is 100% natural, made from organic ingredients. It has no known side effects and is a Certfied Medical Device Product we have tried and tested.
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    Tuesday, May 6, 2008

    Link Between Low Levels Of Vitamin D and Depression In Elderly!

    Depression risk increased due to poor nutrition, it all leads back to you are what you eat.
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    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older people with low blood levels of vitamin D and high blood levels of parathyroid hormone are more likely to be depressed, Dutch researchers report.

    But it remains unclear whether these abnormalities are a cause or a consequence of depression, Dr. Witte J. G. Hoogendijk and colleagues from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam say.

    Past studies have linked altered levels of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone with depression, but the relationship "has never been studied systematically," Hoogendijk and colleagues note. To investigate, they looked at 1,282 men and women aged 65 to 95 years participating in a long-term study of aging.

    Nearly 40 percent of the men and 57 percent of women had low levels of vitamin D in their blood.

    There are a number of plausible ways that low vitamin D levels could influence mood, the researchers note, given that the vitamin plays a role in several neurological and hormonal processes.

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    Tuesday, April 29, 2008

    Big Brother Cares About Your Feelings, HaHaHaaaa!

    I don't know about you but sometimes science makes me cringe. Advancement is good but it shrinks our space, ohhh my mental health!!

    Am I losing my mind?

    'Tiny Radio Antennas' Under Skin Could Act As Remote Sensors Of Humans' Emotional, Physiological State

    ScienceDaily (Apr. 29, 2008) — Scientists at the department of Applied Physics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have discovered a method for remote sensing of the physiological and emotional state of human beings.

    The researchers believe the discovery could theoretically help remotely monitor medical patients, evaluate athletic performance, diagnose disease and remotely sense the level of excitation – which could have significant implications for technology in the biomedical engineering, anti-terror and security technology fields.

    The initial results of the research were published last week in the prestigious scientific journal The Physical Review Letters. The publication aroused significant interest among scientists, physicians and science writers.

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    Monday, April 21, 2008

    The Mind-Heart Connection: What Is Stress and the ‘Stress Response’?

    Stress is at the root of many of our most feared debilitating diseases, engage in stress management for some fun
    How our brain, muscles, heart, and circulatory system communicate in dealing with stress - and why techniques for creating a 'relaxation response' are the cornerstone of mind/body medicine in heart disease.
    The third principle is that the muscular walls in the parts of your circulatory system in and around your heart are connected by a communication network with your brain.
    The second principle is that your heart is part of a vast circulatory system
    The first principle is that your heart is a muscle
    Because stress plays such a central role in hypertension and heart disease, let's look a little more closely at what stress is. The stress response is a set of changes in your body that result when you experience what you perceive to be a challenging or threatening situation.
    What Is Stress and the Stress Response?
    Looking first at meditation
    The third major approach is mental imagery.
    Another common approach to eliciting the relaxation response is called progressive relaxation
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    Tuesday, April 15, 2008

    How to lower your blood pressure!

    You are what you eat! The only effective way to combat heart disease!
    How to lower your blood pressure:

    Tip no 1. Anyone who is seeking to lower his blood pressure should first consider stopping smoking. The craving for nicotine can be reduced by eating sunflower seeds, and nettle and oat infusion is widely recognized as a great help. You should also try to quit smoking not all of a sudden, but do it gradually, in the course of 4 to 6 weeks.

    Tip no 3. Beta-carotens do miracles when it comes to cutting the risk of a stroke attack, so foods with a high concentration of such compounds should definitely be part of your regular diet. Some of the most common examples are carrots, cabbage, dark leafy greens, apricots, winter squash and sweet potatoes. Natural food does play an important role in lowering blood pressure.
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    Wednesday, April 9, 2008

    Yes You Can Prevent Blood Pressure Naturally.

    It is vital that you take note of high blood pressure and do something about it. Don't become a victim.

    See this resource for useful info:
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    Studies: Inexpensive blood pressure drugs can lower risks

    CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Two big studies offer good news to people with high blood pressure, finding that novel ways to use cheap drugs already on the market can lower their risk of heart attacks, stroke and death -- even if they are very old.

    More than 70 million Americans have high blood pressure -- readings of 140 over 90 or more -- and only a third have it well controlled by medicines. Guidelines advise starting on one, usually a "water pill," and adding others as needed.

    He led a study testing a single daily pill combining a diuretic and the ACE inhibitor benazepril versus a daily pill containing benazepril and a calcium channel blocker, amlodipine. ACE inhibitors dilate blood vessels to lower pressure. Calcium channel blockers do the same in a different way.

    Those people had about 20 percent fewer heart-related problems or strokes -- 526 among the 5,713 in this group versus 650 events among the 5,732 others, Jamerson said.

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    Tuesday, April 1, 2008

    Cod Liver Oil Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

    You are doing yourself a health disservice if you are not investigating natural cures for rheumatoid arthritis.

    For more info on rheumatoid arthritis see this resource.
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    Cod liver oil helps rheumatoid arthritis
    MONDAY March 31, 2008 ( -- A study found a daily intake of cod liver oil, which is high in vitamin D, A and omega -3 fatty acids and known to have strong anti-inflammation prosperities, can help patients with rheumatoid arthritis cut painkiller use, BBC reported.

    The study by researchers from Dundee University found taking 10 grams of cod liver oil per day helped patients reduce use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by 30% without any side effect.

    NSAIDs are known to have some side effects such as stomach bleeding and if taken in large doses for a long term can increase risk of heart attacks and strokes. Alternative treatments are desirable.

    The researchers found 39 percent of patients taking cod liver oil reduced their daily use of NSAIDs compared to 10 percent taking a placebo. The reduction did not aggravate the pain or the disease, the study shows.
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