Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Alzheimer's Is Difficult To Diagnose>

For 13 risk factors associated with Alzheimer's follow the bellow link

Alzheimer's is a heart breaking disease and you need to educate yourself.

Disease Alzheimer’s can be particularly difficult to diagnose. In fact, an Alzheimer’s diagnoses cannot be confirmed until after death, when the brain can be autopsied and shown to possess damage on a cellular level. The first difficulty in achieving diagnoses can be the patient themselves. Patients often attribute the symptoms of Alzheimer’s to simply “getting old,” or in most cases, they may be unaware of the changes in their behavior. When a patient does approach their doctor about memory problems, the doctor must sift through all the evidence to determine if Alzheimer’s disease is present, or if it is one of the numerous conditions that produce similar symptoms. Despite the fact that doctors must rule in Alzheimer’s after they have ruled everything else out, diagnoses of the disease are consider to be close to 90% accurate. Anyway, you have to know what is Alzheimer’s.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Important Nutrition Tip!

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You always hear experts recommending that you drink more water but how many of you actually do it? And how much is enough? Well, check out this chart below for some interesting data on water loss.

Water Loss/ Normal Weather No exercise/ Warm Weather No exercise /Exercise in Warm Weather (85° F)

Skin 350 mL/ 350 mL/ 350 mL
Respiratory Tract 250 mL/ 350 mL/ 650 mL
Urine 1400 mL/ 1200 mL/ 500 mL
Feces 100 mL/ 100 mL/ 100 mL
Sweat 100 mL/ 1400 mL/ 5000 mL
Total 2,300 mL (2.3L)/ 3,300 mL (3.3L)/ 6,600 mL (6.6L)

It should be clear that quite a bit of water is lost per day, especially if you’re an athlete. Since most people can get about 1.5L of water from their food and from metabolic water production, for a margin of safety, I suggest:

  • Sedentary individuals drink at least 2L or about 8 cups of water per day
    Athletes in normal climates drink at least 3L or about 12 cups of water per day.
  • Athletes in hot weather climates drink at least 4L or about 16 cups of water per day.
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    More Compelling Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin D!

    Supplementing with has many extremely important health benefits e.g. qualities, a combination of vitamin C and vitamin D is a very effective barrier against viral infections

    More Compelling Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin D!

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    Smoking In Middle Age May Boost Risk Of Dementia.

    The study also said that - Smokers tended to be less educated and financially worse off than non-smokers.
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    June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Middle-aged smokers are more likely to
    have poorer memories and reasoning abilities than those who've
    never smoked habitually, according to a study published in the
    Archives of Internal Medicine.

    Researchers in France and England also found smokers drank
    more alcohol, ate less fruit and vegetables and had higher
    cholesterol levels than non-smokers. The results are from a 17-
    year-long study of more than 5,300 people.

    The findings add weight to evidence of a link between
    smoking and dementia, and may even underestimate the extent to
    which the two are related because smokers were more likely to not
    participate in follow-up tests or to have died over the course of
    the study, the authors wrote.

    The researchers found smokers were 54 percent more likely
    than non-smokers to be in the lowest 20 percent of subjects on a
    memory test, and equally likely to flunk a test of verbal and
    mathematical reasoning.
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    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    The Many Benefits Of Tha Atkins Diet

    If you want to cut the garbage and do your health a favor look no further than the Atkins diet
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    In an American society where fast food, processed meat, bleached enriched flour and high fructose corn syrup rule the roost, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of Americans are headed for Type II diabetes. Type II is the diabetes that people acquire from long-term poor eating habits. This nutritional trend is also contributing to the epidemic of obesity in our nation. Luckily, the Atkins diet offers a solution that addresses both issues. It offers a way to delay, even prevent the acquired disease as well as weight loss.

    The Atkins diet was designed to assist individuals wanting to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels or control blood sugar fluctuations. The Atkins diet emphasizes a high protein, low carb diet. Carbohydrates have the most impact on blood-sugar levels. Depending on how efficiently they are metabolized, a carbohydrate is ranked with either high or low-glycemic index. The higher the rank, the more insulin the pancreas has to produce to convert the sugar to energy.

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    Sunday, June 1, 2008

    Arthritis Is A Very Painful Debilitating Disease.

    Arthritis Is A Very Painful Debilitating Disease. Learn how to prevent and manage it naturally, for you quality of life.
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    Arthritis is a common cause of pain in the joints, especially among the elderly. Persistent, aggrivating, and excruciating, arthritis is capable of reducing the quality of your life by hindering your everyday movements.

    Once you are diagnosed with arthritis, you should take steps towards arthritis prevention immediately to ensure that no further joint damage occurs. What basic habits can you change to prevent arthritis? It’s not as difficult as you might think.

    Arthritis prevention requires changing certain aspects of your lifestyle. By simply adjusting your diet and amount of exercise, you can make a major leap toward preventing arthritis.

    The prevention of arthritis might not be of concern you now. However, you never know if, ten years from now, you might be faced with the severe challenges and disappointments that accompany the disease. Don’t wait for that time to come; take the first steps towards arthritis prevention now!

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